new moon!


yek benci gila tengok tetek mamat ni.bajet besar.m**a(bukan nama sebenar) punya lagi besar la!

"youre the only reason i stay alive,and that's what i am"




cakes slaughtering session
playin in the rain<33

happy 15th birthday babyyyyyyyy<33333

sorry late post menatang ni.

wow act kau lagi muda dari aku laa:)
no wonder perangai kau macam budak darjah tiga!

thankyou for being the most precious gift for me.
when i need you badly,you'll be there.
even we had our ups and downs,we're still together.
i couldn't afford to tell how much i love you because you'll hv no idea.

err,geli la mak jiwangjiwang ni.

singing competition

i joined this competition.

such a crazy idea.
killa,zaty,shahmin,shamala,aishaha and the rest of ibnu sina and khaldun's girls encouraged me.

for sure la aku taknak!gila apa.

bila zaty offered nk main cover,i was like ohmy kau pandai main?since bila?

yes she is.she adapt to memorize chord easily.
for zaty.i will.haha

at first zaty suggested aku main bass.everything is ok but later on,aku dah tkboleh serious.gelakgelak.dahla lagu taylor swift.haram aku ingat.

and when its my turn to sing,at the beginning aku dah gelak.

dah macam orang gila kat depan tu.

bila recall balik,gila humiliating.

sorry zaty for dissapointing you.
but now,ramai dah tau youre a good guitarist kan?

thankyou zaty,
eh thankyou mak zaty.kari ayam tu sedap betul la.lain kali aku nk masuk lagi competition ni so that i can come over aand makan kari lagi.sumpah gila genius mak dia!masak kari gila hebat.

*ebi,merdu benar suara anda.kenapa?