okay starting macam okay.memang okay.an awesome bbq party.
lepastu tengok teen teen choice award for the 4th time;while romping on da floor tengok miss j the dragqueen,anak bronze pakcik joned call.
dia cakap;blablablabla
(sorry aku tkfaham kau cakap apa pun.kau call aku balik nanti okay)
lepastu dapat call lagi.dari anne yang kuat mengumpat.
"wei,kau bukak &^%$#@"
aku pun okayy je la.
lepastu sesuatu dah jadi
and aku nak cakap,
adoi ada je yang mess around.a white marshmallow calms me down.thanks
and aku ada buat satu perubahan yang besar nak mampus.
kalau aku cakap pun mesti anda korang ingat aku gila.
aku cakap jun pyo mengorat aku pun korang susah nak percaya.
yeah,new year
Posted by keCik at 10:12 AM 0 comments
sorry for not updating this blog,ALI.
i was too busy with my vacation.
*super duper awesome vacation
2009 is ending up.
and i'm updating this at somewhere in melaka.nearby the beach,bitch!
how to end this year in the most glorious way?
a bbq party at the seaside,maybe?wohooo*excited*
happy new year to,
anis hakimah
and some other girlfriends and boyfriends
Posted by keCik at 12:12 AM 0 comments
kalau kaya macam mr benjamin(bukan nama sebenar)
kan,aku nak beli macam2
but currently,i cant help myself from daydreaming to own these
the only reason is,the bottle.haha.i've smelled the scent.it doesn't fits my nose well.
*or it doesnt fits my finance well
ekceli dah lama aku nak buat entry pasal minyak harum ni.but malaaas la.
if i put on jean charles de castelbajac's,i'll be malaysian lady gaga.he is my most fav fashion designer.in my defense,he is better than michael kors(sorry).
since jean charles's outfits are quite impossible i'm lookin forward to own this
it's hv been ages since the last time i entered crocs dept.and last week,after my book-hunting in borders is done,i walked around in midvalley.i entered crocs store and i saw this pair!niceeee!i loikeeeee.i gave a try on it before checkin out the price.and it is RM209.eww.GROSS
guess whaaat,i wont get my allowance for this month:(
it is my punishment since the telephone bill raises drastically.
go green party;
i'm not goin maybe.
-i wont be around kajang from 16th dec to 20th dec.
-i'm savin my money.
-mama says i'm too young for such things.WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT????
Posted by keCik at 4:29 PM 0 comments
new moon madness
dont take risk by watchin new moon for the second time if you've read the book and you're a twilighter or you're obsessed with taylor lautner or stuffes like that.
u will lost your control!just like me(and arvina)
we were almost kicked out of the cinema.
i keep applausin and wolf-whistling
*vampire-whistling(since i'm team edward)
and each time i wish edward's line before he did,i heard a group of guys murmured at the back but i swear to god i didn't even notice that they were actually reprimanded me untill i clapped my hand when edward wished MARRY ME someone makes that 'shhhhhhhhhhh!' sound.
in the end of the movie,arvina told me the whole thing.
i was like"really???"
but who cares by the way.my first watch is noisier than that because i watched it with the twilighters so they could understand me.
i won't do that again.its the first and the last(maybe)
and just now someone dedicated THE KILL-30 SECOND TO MARS.
aku tk faham la.apa kaitannya dengan aku?
pelik betul la.
and untill now i dont get whether it is marry me or bury me.
Posted by keCik at 1:07 PM 0 comments
new moon!
yek benci gila tengok tetek mamat ni.bajet besar.m**a(bukan nama sebenar) punya lagi besar la!
"youre the only reason i stay alive,and that's what i am"
Posted by keCik at 2:15 AM 0 comments
cakes slaughtering session
when i need you badly,you'll be there.
Posted by keCik at 1:06 AM 0 comments
singing competition
i joined this competition.
such a crazy idea.
killa,zaty,shahmin,shamala,aishaha and the rest of ibnu sina and khaldun's girls encouraged me.
for sure la aku taknak!gila apa.
bila zaty offered nk main cover,i was like ohmy kau pandai main?since bila?
yes she is.she adapt to memorize chord easily.
for zaty.i will.haha
at first zaty suggested aku main bass.everything is ok but later on,aku dah tkboleh serious.gelakgelak.dahla lagu taylor swift.haram aku ingat.
and when its my turn to sing,at the beginning aku dah gelak.
dah macam orang gila kat depan tu.
bila recall balik,gila humiliating.
sorry zaty for dissapointing you.
but now,ramai dah tau youre a good guitarist kan?
thankyou zaty,
eh thankyou mak zaty.kari ayam tu sedap betul la.lain kali aku nk masuk lagi competition ni so that i can come over aand makan kari lagi.sumpah gila genius mak dia!masak kari gila hebat.
*ebi,merdu benar suara anda.kenapa?
Posted by keCik at 9:30 AM 1 comments
mengayakan tauke wayang
it's less than a month away
Only you could be more important than what I wanted… what I needed. What I want and need is to be with you, and I know I’ll never be strong enough to leave again.
Posted by keCik at 10:22 PM 0 comments
ibarat sultan abdullah ditipu francis light SHIT
the first day on school after pmr.
well i decided to be there because them girlfriends.khamis baru cuti.
"senang nk prepare for deepavali"(diba's txt).haha yelaa keling.kau buat openhouse kan?semangat betul kau celebrate deepavali.
yeah and it was a baaaaaaad idea.
the form 3s kena paksa dengar brief on how to get into sekolah teknik.cirit ah!
aku,mira,diba,anis,nad and syud lari pergi kantin and BAMMM!busted.
cikgu ajis ran after us.gila kelakar.
naik library afterward.susun kerusi plastik yang ada and tidur.
when i awake,they were no longer around.babi betul.
turun bawah dekat foyer.rehat form 4 and 5.hang around with ramlee,fad,joe,jeman and sooner,the form 5s turun.ren nampak aku and sengih2 macam apek busuk.jari tengah aku dinaikkan.macam keling kau ni!cakap tknk datang.gathered with other seniors*blown out*yg menggelabah nak balik awal and pergi cc.gaming youuu.
ok part dekat cc memang gila kelakar.aku pun tk faham kenapa memel boleh emo melampau.lompat macam gorilla sebab tk mati time dota-ing.
nasib jumpa diorang dekat sekolah.if not mati kebosanan aku kat sekolah.
cikgu gilagila cakap lepas pmr datang sbb ada activities yg best gila la,apa la.cerita nk gempak je ohh.benci aku.
Posted by keCik at 1:26 PM 0 comments
and PMR is over.i'm not really cheering up and feel the sensation of freedom or whatsoever as i wasn't really struggling to face pmr.well i still hv the guts to hang around in sogo,karakoe-ing with those nutty peers in pmr week.gila
and to celebrate the E.N.D,
aku,dibah,mira,anis(2),alin,ren,syed,anis(3) and my lil brother altogether choosed kajang as the spot.
we can't go any further.adoi.
gathered in mcd.thankyou ren for the treat!kau ni memang pemurah.aku suka betul kawan dengan orang pemurah macam kau.seriously bapak la ramai.beratur gila panjang.and we met Natasha!shes taller and hotter than before.
and nxt,we went to mp.karaoke time,YEAH!
gosh everyone turned wild.from jesnita to del to paga hay.
as writen in alin's we moshed,danced,raped*oopss*,groped*oopsooops*,and ...
FULLSTOP.it's just more than enough.
azami,budak kecik tu sparkled when turn on bunkface.every lines was on his brain.teruk betul influent.masa aku muda macam dia,aku layan rabbani,hijjaz,raihan,saujana.aku ingat lagi kau mengamuk sebab mama tknk belikan album hijjaz yang latest masa tu,pelita hidup(2).
pics,urgh MALAS.dekat myspace ada sikit.
tu je,kan?tk boleh cerita banyakbanyak nanti timbul fitnah.
Posted by keCik at 12:25 PM 0 comments
dan anis telah mencemar duli baginda
hw was pmr?no comment la nyahh.let the PAST be the PAST.bm, haram betul.keluar pasir salak. haram aku baca.tembak je la.english,i spent 1 hour on section A.5 pages and a half.science,average.geografi,aku dah check.selamat.agama,sangat basic.kalau tkdpat jawab kau memang kapir.
and result aku tengokla macam mana,i'll get what i deserve.
last week,pergi beraya.dengan tbs.still,they can't turn me on.haha.
alin,syifaa,anis,wan,dyana,fahim,syamil and hawa nafsu kami.
lepas tu one whole week pmr-ing.
and last friday,i went to pertama.nk ambil num pin mrsm*eyebrows*
thankyou anis and ren temankan i.terharu nyahhhhhh.
thankyou anis for the mingomingo.
thankyou ren for the fourleaves,ticket ktm,and dinner.eh tk,supper.ok dinner and supper altogether.
at first,pergi beli baju ren and office mara tu.and that's it.ingat nk makan je lepastu kembali ke pangkal jalan.
then,ren cakap,"karaoke nak?red box"
lancang betul mulut apek ni.
dan kami ke pusat maksiat tersebut.penuh.yang mahal je ada.
rm70 utk 3 orang.buat apa.so,kami blah dengan muka miskin.
memandangkan ada karaoke jamban di arcade yang berhampiran,so bermula la senario yang tidak begitu enak dipandang.
kami(excluding ren)mosh ketika lagulagu jiwang berkumandang.
anis balik awal.mek suruh.haha.
lepastu ren gila,ajak aku jalan kaki from ktm sampai rumah.
mengenangkan jasanya yang bertimbun,aku relakan.
dahla banyak anjing,babi betul anjing tu.
sampai rumah,abah and mama tkde so aku keluar lagi.
pergi makan pulak.in the end balik pukul 10 ke 11 entah.
pic malas nk upload.inappropriate belaka.
dah malas nk type.
out to celebrate aimi's birtday.
nanti aku buat entry pasal kau ok nyahh.
Posted by keCik at 6:11 AM 0 comments
mama thanks for the support.
suruh anis makan maggi,buatkan jeruk,and etc
Posted by keCik at 1:05 AM 0 comments
ALI RAFIQ perogol bersiri
*girls and boys,beware
Posted by keCik at 12:56 AM 0 comments
I resent my whole sunday with raya here and everywhere.
the day started at aunt hanim's.makan tk ingat punya.sedap siooooot.
well thanl you aunt hanim;D
konon nak buat pahala,i picked all the dishes and send them to the kitchen(VIGOROUSLY)
and she hired a new bibik
....as i put all the dishes into the sink,
AKU:smiled,tought of she will say,SUSAH SUSAH JEE(yg bahasa endon aku tk tahu)
BIBIK:pecah nanti tuu!!!! (super rude tone)
laaancau!pegi balik endon la minaaaaah!
Posted by keCik at 3:18 AM 0 comments
teng teng teng teng teng teng teng teng teng
teng teng teng teng teng teng teng teng teng
(intro lagu raya saloma)
ohh raya la woi!hahaa.i just can't wait.
raya means a looooooooot to me!
*raya money means a lot to me!
for those who are not going back to their hometown,it's pathetic i told ya.balik kampung wajib kot.
so to all my friends;
Posted by keCik at 11:37 AM 1 comments
berbuka di taman haram
tempat;dirahsiakan.haha.kalau hebat sila teka sendiri.
aku,alia,nazril ong and athirah buka dekat ****************************.
naz and alia,bapak la aku mcm tgok movie twilight.gila best kot.
say thank to yr sexy cupid,naz and alia.naz ckp diorang couple atas dorongan aku.haha
pic nanti la weh.abah dh membebeeeeeeeel.
cuyaa,ANIS PORNSTAR,alin,syifaa,aizat.joned,
sori la woi.menyesal gilaaaaaaa tk join.
urgh bgun tido tgok dah 1:30.phone aku berlambak misscall.
(updated in rush)
Posted by keCik at 9:24 AM 0 comments
ohh i am soo proud to be 15 on that date.and haritu banyak gila benda jadi.
this year is better than previous year eventhough nobody wished right on 12 am.
thankyou for the awesome gifts dudes and babes:)
Posted by keCik at 4:03 AM 0 comments
school holiday?i spent most of my time with sleeping,sleeeeping and a lil bit of ym-ing.
homework?haram.buku?haram.once aku baca time dkt harvest.
hangout?nope.twice planned.but both not working.and kau cakap aku SUWEY.gila punya meon.both sbb tkde transport.ong ong dan memel la weh!i'm not the oneee.
i rarely got up early in the morning.
*i manage to get early once.ONLY
normally.3:00 pm and above.
i'm dying because mama don't let me out.beliau ckp aku overspent last two weeks.ala ma,that's what human call SHOPPING.
i do some shopping for shoes and bags with mama and ana.punya la besar sogo but i bought one pairs of shoes after all.bags?none of them.
and mama bising.
"kau tu picky sgt.kau ckp LEWRE's too much.buta ke?"
anis hakimah rempit tegar
-bila nk rempit lagi woi?
akmal adibah bini sood
-sori kau call aku tk angkat
athirah noordin mat top
-pornstar!miss your balls!
amirah aqilah jiran sebla ruma
-woi brp lama tk menapak rumah kau
atiqah shazlin
-rindu pool ruma kau
mrs nazril anak mat top and rockstar
-bila nk belanja aku chicken chop lagi????
Posted by keCik at 5:52 AM 1 comments
randomly taken during school's merdeka celebration.u can even count the number of flags,HUH?
thanks to TUN ABDUL RAZAK.
for making this happen.you're the man
Posted by keCik at 5:21 AM 0 comments
setelah merempit bersama anis hakimah otw balik dr terawih,
aku eksiden.motor bertemu jalan tar.
kejadian selanjutnya dan butir-butir kemalangan akan diberithu ats kebenaran
ANIS,ALI,RAMLEE,FADH(thx for being serious),ALIN,QIST,FAZIRA and semua yg menjadi saksi kejadian.
motor tersebut mengalami kecederaan parah dimerata tempat.
only two things were in my head during that accident,
1.nasib tk bawak cam.klu tk mesti jatuh berkecai
2.nasib ANIS HAKIMAH tiada di atas motor
ALHAMDULILLAH syukur nikmat kepada tuhan yang memberi rahmat.ooooooooooooo....................
Posted by keCik at 1:19 PM 0 comments
berkaraoke jamban!
anis versi jahat,BAPAK,anis versi baik
but he couldn't make it.
two possibilities,
-he's retired from being a gay
-mr joned won't let him out with gays.
and so,his mom let him out with us on excuse,"nk bayar hutang pak tam"(cibai ah kau)
lpas menapak ke mp,semua blank.ktorang pg 7e and fahim terpaksa belanja kitorang ais-krim.he accidently took out his 50 notes.padan muka kau.
karaoke jamban,lagu mj and screamo belaka.
Posted by keCik at 2:47 AM 0 comments
SIMIN tu apa?
ohh en akmal azri,en fahim john dan makcik memel.(weh hutang rest 1 aku mana korang?)
jgn bt aku suspicious.
siapa tahu?
i'm begging u for the answer!
aku kena bahan dgn perkataan 'SIMIN' sejak rabu lps.smlm la kn?
klu;berkaitan dgn jantina atau hormon(i think so).aku nk lagi detail.
Posted by keCik at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: simin?
is that good enough for SBP?
i've got all my papers back and marks,for sure.
kurang memberangsangkan.
on excuse,aku tk gemar buat orang terangsang.
just now i've obtained my english paper and I BEAT arvina's mark.
Posted by keCik at 8:15 AM 0 comments
kenduri kendara
wild children and aunt.they're handwaving but i was too late to snap that precious moment.
the gay nannies
handwaving.shake your ass kids!
Posted by keCik at 4:27 AM 0 comments
guru matematik saya
ahmad fahim john.
kau genius.
nasib kaw ad.haha.sng je act.tido lagi dlm klas.kan?
nnt ak blanje kau minum ice skyjuice dkt tgi fridays.nk?ak offer johnie walker kaw tknk kan?
btw thx to everyone who taught me maths;
.puan setia salleh.
.puan rohaya.
.khairul anwar b mohd khairuddin.the genius DRAGQUEEN.
.amirah aqilah shaharuddin.
.amir ikram b urm,spe bpak kau?
.******* *******bin **************.haha tk kuasa ak marketkn kau.ajr aku sambil smoking spe suruh.ngee
paper maths da dpt pun.
and HAHA.
Posted by keCik at 10:01 AM 0 comments
ok qwertyuyrwrkuyutyuityuighjkghjkhdgfzcvbnwfegrh gila.i've created a post.and when i was about to click 'publish post' just now,skrin laptop tiba-tiba gelap.i was like, BAAAAAAAABIIIK!
i was out of mood.penat je ouh.ARGH!
'so how was trial?'
and the answer is,
"haha!"or louder and worse than that,"warghwargh100000x!'
but if the questions is compared to previous year's.it was somuchmore easier.
hey kata-kata itu doa.THANK YOU for calling me genius.i really hope so;D
tu je.malas.
Posted by keCik at 7:28 AM 0 comments
ok pmr victim.sila sedar diri sekarang.
Posted by keCik at 10:11 AM 0 comments
PAK TAM siap ad fan club lagi.
*POK TE, actually.
izrul,a member pok te's fan club
pok te's fan club
me and syira.aiman sesat
shira.she's pretty.and i'm talented.pandai kan aku snap?kan?kan?
finalists.aiman tgok sini lahh!haha.:D
Posted by keCik at 2:57 AM 0 comments
ke 'anak-anakan'
aku:lanshau.mampos aku ah.cibs.aku pecah rahsia kaw baru tawu.
.kuku berlampu.kuku berlampu.kuku berlampu.kuku berlampu.
i'm not a faker.i confess that i addicted to this.
the next day,i brought my nails to school.
mangsa batak,
1.3 wawasans.except NAZMI."it's standars six's".ke MOYANG-MOYANGAN.
2.kak miza
3.kak mila
4.kak hani
5.anis hakimah
6.cikgu khairi
7.nadhiratul izuwa
8.hanis syuhada
9.anis najihah
dowang berebut-rebut nak pakai bnd tu.lawak sial.esp yunk perempuan,terus mengaku yunk aku ni lesbo dowang.
ada lakhnat selalu ckp,"alah,kaw tu budak lagi".
cibet(ape ni?)
yes i am.'budak'or in the other words,'keanak-anakan'
terima kasih.i felt very young when you say so.
have u ever heard,ke'emak-emakan'?if a hypocrite is pretending to act like a 'grown ups',yes he/she is.
Posted by keCik at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: kuku berlampu
aku da setting but still tak bole post comment gak.tuuuuuuuuut.
btw,lintah!aku menang ah.cube kira brp post aku harini.
Posted by keCik at 4:28 AM 0 comments
adik,gf anda obesiti
nad and syud hangout kat uma aku after school.syud sits on the top of my study table anddd
kaki meja tu patah.
Posted by keCik at 4:14 AM
*bangga sial.siap pose hidung kembang lagi
4)adibah wore glasses to school.OMG she's short-sighted.
*haha.makcik.rabun tiba-tiba je.
5)syafiq turned his hair bald.we called him castello and he could not fade the truth.
6)i didn't finish my bm homeworkS and pn subashini didn't get mad at all.freaky.i think she's sick.7)i beated nabilah during mathematics class.weird huh?but,YAYY!
8)amirah aqilah shaharuddin was a big bully today.she pulled off my tudung a lotslots of time and i screamed.pn khalida put the blame on me.amira was totally safe.lanshau kan kau?lepas ni aku bogelkan kau lepas tu bawak lari baju-baju kau.
.goosebumps attacked my whole body.
wth is headin up act?
Posted by keCik at 2:44 AM

credit to:syakilla
i got this pix bile aku search 'monkey on a wheelchair' kat google image.at first aku search 'handicapped monkey' tapi mcm2 gambar lucah keluar.
ok peeps,now u may leave a comment:D
Posted by keCik at 11:16 AM

the cullen's mansion
*i'm having a hard time to upload this image.it might because the cullens really don't want me to unveil their clean big secrets. so,they send NESSIE to unplug my connection.
btw,don't take a wrong way by heading to LA PUSH or else u'll see the hairy,freakingly ugly jacob black legam.pfft.
but then,it's kinda of frustating because most of my cousin could not make it.dushdush.finee,your excuses is acceptable.they were thinking too much abot JASPER.he's a newborn.
credit to:anis hakimah(pornstar)
"wei lintah!sebab ni lahh aku ta reply msg kaw"
aku tetap rockstar even pakai baju kurung pink(bloody hell pink)
*i shrunk this pix so that u won't see my super messy room with sorts of lingeries on the floor.
chef khairul anwar,your cocktail was awesome.i didn't have the chances to enjoy it.could you make another one for me,genius:D?
shoot!the coctail is no longer around when i want to have another glass'es' of it.
Posted by keCik at 9:27 AM 8 comments
maaf,aku jakun
aku rasa mulut dia busuk lah.boleh belikan dia berus gigi baru?
*to adibah,sila rembat air kelapa aku lain kali
Posted by keCik at 2:40 AM 0 comments