
the cullen's mansion
*i'm having a hard time to upload this might because the cullens really don't want me to unveil their clean big secrets. so,they send NESSIE to unplug my connection.
btw,don't take a wrong way by heading to LA PUSH or else u'll see the hairy,freakingly ugly jacob black legam.pfft.
but then,it's kinda of frustating because most of my cousin could not make it.dushdush.finee,your excuses is acceptable.they were thinking too much abot JASPER.he's a newborn.
credit to:anis hakimah(pornstar)
"wei lintah!sebab ni lahh aku ta reply msg kaw"
aku tetap rockstar even pakai baju kurung pink(bloody hell pink)
*i shrunk this pix so that u won't see my super messy room with sorts of lingeries on the floor.
chef khairul anwar,your cocktail was awesome.i didn't have the chances to enjoy it.could you make another one for me,genius:D?
shoot!the coctail is no longer around when i want to have another glass'es' of it.
haha baru nak enable comment
taik lah kaw anis .
aku ckp mende betul .
kau patut belanja aku makan weyy !
nanti ak mintak apis duit.
gle pornstar gmba kau .
mlu aku nak tgk .
berani ko nak lwn post spe pling bnyk .
weh2 , aritu aku bukak redtube , aku ternampak heroin dia name ,ANIS AMIRA ROSLAN .
terkejut aku tgk kau belakon AV.
tk nk lahh taik .
entah halal entah tk !
av tu ap?
ak tatawu un.
Anis Hakimah binti Ibrahim,
kau tengok Adult Video?
Aku dah tua!
(sebab adik aku dah pandai tengok AV)
ali,kaw mmg tua ok.
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