anis versi jahat,BAPAK,anis versi baik
lpas anugerah koko,aku,anis,atiqah shazlin and fahim john berombong ke kajang.
fahim was suppose to join the picnic with his gay matessss.but he couldn't make it.
two possibilities,
-he's retired from being a gay
-mr joned won't let him out with gays.
and so,his mom let him out with us on excuse,"nk bayar hutang pak tam"(cibai ah kau)
lpas menapak ke mp,semua blank.ktorang pg 7e and fahim terpaksa belanja kitorang ais-krim.he accidently took out his 50 notes.padan muka kau.
karaoke jamban,lagu mj and screamo belaka.
eh dh la mls nk type.HAHA.klu free aku pun korang bkak atiqah shazlinnyer blog.
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