sedang saya bergembira mencuci mata di beberapa blogshop terkemuka tanahair, sesuatu telah pop keluar dari chatbox saya di facebook.
ahmad badrul rupanya
"hi darling, how are you i miss you sooooooooo much"
balas saya sambil

yes, middle finger. everybody knows that. even morons. i bet the nerves in my middle finger is the most active part of my body. faster than the brain.
i've tried to make it activeless or lower expectation of it, active less.
but it's not working. life's getting clumsy now. just like my room, or better.
*aku tahu korang semua mesti gelakkan aku masa aku balas sapaan korang. bergembiralah menjadi teruna teluran di sana. walaupun anda semua bukan lagi teruna. sorry syifaa mahsuri dan alin.
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