oooh alhamdulillah ustaz mad let me go back home:)
dr saripah wasn't in on thursday, so the appointment was delayed to friday.
mann they stuffed in a TWO-INCHED screw into my tooth. i saw my xray on the screen and i was like, OHMYALLAH*ayat adam* haha

yeah there it is
i've had awesome today:)
i hung out with su, diba and ijat.
shit i was soo jealous with ijat's D90! HE IS TOTALLY MESSING UP WITH ME NOW! dayumm
i decided to print out my lomo's film and i t costs me 60 bucks. haiyoo'=,=
ijat dropped me at alin's.
i met alin, syifaa', anis hakimah, fadh, faez, ali, ayu, bud a.k.a BUNGA CHENTA, dyy, syed, syamim a.k.a PA(seronok bertumbuk dengan kau), jazli, mirul.
they were bit surprised.
and they confessed that i was pretty snobbish lately. syed put it on and everyone agreed with him.
i'm working it out. i'll try to fix it
NAK JOIN KAMU SEMUA PERGI TENGOK BRUNO MARS! i wish i'm on holiday masa tu
syed was lucky to get the 4th row masa secondhand serenade's concert. bottle tu made nab benci john haha.